Bob Marley – Freedom Road is a documentary film that delves deep into the life and works of the iconic reggae star. It features interviews and archival footage featuring Marley as it portrays the various facets of his life.
Here’s how you can watch and stream Bob Marley – Freedom Road via streaming services such as Amazon Prime Video.
Is Bob Marley – Freedom Road available to watch via streaming?
Yes, Bob Marley – Freedom Road is available to watch via streaming on Amazon Prime Video.
The movie offers a thorough examination of the life of the well-known Jamaican musician Bob Marley. The film provides viewers access to those who knew him the best, including his long-time girlfriend and actress Esther Anderson.
The documentary explores Marley’s career’s highs and lows in relation to others around him. Throughout the movie, Marley’s unadulterated musical talent is on full display, supplemented by commentary explaining the significance of the stories of injustice and poverty that shape his music.
The film is produced by Sonia Anderson, with Shaun Lugg and Ray Santilli serving as executive producers.
Watch Bob Marley – Freedom Road streaming via Amazon Prime Video
Bob Marley – Freedom Road is available to watch on Amazon Prime Video.
Amazon Prime Video is a video streaming service operated by Amazon. It offers a diverse catalog of movies, TV shows, and documentaries.
You can watch via Amazon Prime Video by following these steps:
- Go to Amazon Prime Video
- Select ‘Sign in’ and ‘Create your Amazon account’
- Sign up for a Prime Video membership:
- $8.99 per month for a standalone Prime Video membership
Bob Marley – Freedom Road’s synopsis is as follows:
“He was and is, without doubt, Jamaica’s finest export and in this programme we can reveal for the first time the behind the scenes Bob Marley that only his closest confidantes could know. To understand more about this iconic Jamaican his long time girlfriend and Oscar nominated actress Esther Anderson describes in some detail along with exclusive unpublished home video footage, their life together at home in Jamaica and of their time spent in Hope Road, London.”
“Of all the people who considered themselves closest to him, Esther was probably the person who knew more about the man’s innermost thoughts and fears than any; so much was she in tune with him she even helped to write some of his hit records. Also featured is the last interview he would ever give in the UK when journalist Kris Needs questions him about his foot injury (the injury that would eventually kill him) plus many other topics about which Marley held strong views.”
NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.