Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection Gets Trailer Celebrating Release

The Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection is available now for PC, Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, and PS5. The Collection features the original Star Wars: Battlefront From 2004 and Battlefront II from 2005.

The original Star Wars: Battlefront games return in new Classic Collection

In addition to bringing back all of the original content fans love, Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection supports up to 65 players in online multiplayer. It also resurrects a wealth of previously exclusive or otherwise limited content.

The former includes Jabba’s Palace from the first game and the Xbox Live exclusive maps Battlefront II. The latter include Bespin: Cloud City, Rhen Var: Harbor, Rhen Var: Citadel, and Yavin 4: Arena. The classic Collection additionally includes the previously Xbox Live exclusive Republic Heroes Kit Fisto and CIS Hero Asajj Ventress.

Speaking of Heroes, the new Classic Collection makes Battlefront II’s Hero Assault mode available on more maps. Heroes like Luke and Darth Vader were usually only available as mid-battle rewards. However, Hero Assault was a heroes-only battle initially only available on the Tatooine: Mos Eisley map. The Xbox Live patch expanded it to eight additional maps, with the Classic Collection adding three additional. For the first time, players can experience Battlefront II’s Hero Assault on Kashyyyk, Kamino, Naboo, and the Death Star.

Developer Pandemic Studios initially released both games for PC, PlayStation 2, and the original Xbox. In addition to free-play battles, the first game lets players relive battles from the original and prequel trilogies. Meanwhile, Battlefront II’s story campaign depicted the rise of the 501st Legion, Darth Vader’s personal Stormtroopers. Another prominent and popular feature was the strategic Galactic Conquest Campaign, which was technically in both games but greatly expanded in the sequel.

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