Popular K-drama Flex X Cop aired its final episode 16 on Saturday, March 23, 2024, at 9:50 p.m. KST on SBS. The episode is also available to stream on Disney Plus. The series follows the story of chaebol heir Jin Yi-Soo (Ahn Bo-Hyun), who becomes a detective overnight. He encounters team leader Lee Kang-Hyun (Park Ji-Hyun) and the rest of the team members and solves murder cases together.
Episode 16 of Flex X Cop finally gave a happy ending to Jin Yi-Soo’s journey, both personally and professionally. He finds out that the true culprit behind his parents’ death is his step-brother, Jin Seung-Ju. Furthermore, he also makes the latter confess to his crimes. Eventually, he gives up his position as the Hansu Group Chairman to Mr. Choi and returns to the Homicide Department to his beloved team. The K-drama ended with placing Jin Yi-Soo where he belongs.
Flex X Cop Episode 16 ending: What happened to Ahn Bo-Hyun at the end?
The final Flex X Cop episode 16 began with the team being suspicious of Jin Seung-Ju as the culprit behind Chairman Jin Myung-Chul’s death. However, Jin Yi-Soo fails to believe that the culprit is his step-brother, who has been by him throughout his life. Yi-Soo feels that the culprit is his stepmother, Jo Hee-Ja. He promises to prove it by investigating his birth mother’s death. Meanwhile, Lee Hyung-Joon realizes that two unidentified fingerprints have been sidelined during the investigation of Yi-Soo’s mother’s death.
While investigating, Yi-Soo discovers that Hee-Ja’s mental health worsened after Seung-Ju came to meet her in the hospital. He further finds out from her former driver that Hee-Ja visited Yi-Soo’s mother and went home. Later, Seung-Ju comes out of the house, hurrying to go somehow. However, Seung-Ju refuses the driver’s help and lands in a car accident. Hee-Ja fires the driver for letting Seung-Ju go alone.
Lee Hyung-Joon tells his daughter, Kang-Hyun, about testing the unidentified fingerprints, giving her a start to the investigation. Meanwhile, Yi-Soo receives confirmation from Mr. Choi that Seung-Ju suffered a car accident and is being shifted to a hospital. He then asks Kang-Hyun for help looking into the accident, and she confirms it was Seung-Ju. Yi-Soo realizes his step-brother might be the potential culprit and confronts him. However, Seung-Ju denies visiting Yi-Soo’s mother ever.
Later that night, Yi-Soo reaches the department and discovers the result of the unidentified fingerprints. One is confirmed to be his own, but the second one is Seung-Ju’s fingerprints. This confirms that Seung-Ju is the culprit. Meanwhile, Mr. Choi confronts Seung-Ju about being the culprit. Seung-Ju fires Mr. Choi while revealing himself to be the Chairman’s killer.
Yi-Soo asks Seung-Ju to come to his mother’s house. Yi-Soo points the gun at his step-brother, asking him to confess. Seung-Ju confesses to killing Yi-Soo’s mother by mixing sleeping pills in her drink. Seung-Ju did it because his mother, Hee-Ja, was about to kill herself after discovering that Myung-Chul was about to divorce her.
After finding out that Myung-Chul wanted to start fresh with Yi-Soo and his mother, Seung-Ju killed her. He also dragged her into the bathtub to make it seem like a suicide. Moreover, Seung-Ju only pitied Yi-Soo and cared for him throughout his life. Although Seung-Ju tries to kill himself with the gun, he realizes it has no bullets. Before he realizes that Yi-Soo has set him up to confess, Kang-Hyun and the team arrive to arrest him.
The following day, Kang-Hyun reveals that Seung-Ju is the culprit in a press conference. Lee Hyung-Joon apologizes to Yi-Soo for not investigating his mother’s case properly. Yi-Soo is grateful to Hyung-Joon for taking care of him. Meanwhile, Seung-Ju receives life imprisonment in court as Hee-Ja witnesses the scene as an audience. Yi-Soo visits his parents and unites them after their death. He also breaks down in Kang-Hyun’s mother’s arms over what he’d been through all these years.
While he is preparing himself to be the next Chairman, the Homicide Department team continues with their lives. However, each member of the team misses Yi-Soo. By the end of the episode, Yi-Soo hands over the Chairman position to Mr. Choi as per Myung-Chul’s will and heads back to his beloved team, regaining his position as the detective at the Homicide Department. The drama ends on a happy note, with the team leaving for a brand-new case.
All episodes of Flex X Cop are available to stream on Disney Plus. Recently, the production house confirmed the production of Season 2, raising anticipation among viewers.