American Rust Season 1 is a 2021 crime drama series created by Dan Futterman and Philipp Meyer. In this show, a weary police chief, Del Harris, uncovers a murder in a dying Pennsylvania town. But there is a twist. The accused is the son of the woman he loves.
Hereâs how you can watch and stream American Rust Season 1 via streaming services such as Amazon Prime Video.
Is American Rust Season 1 available to watch via streaming?
Yes, American Rust Season 1 is available to watch via streaming on Amazon Prime Video.
The show takes a look at a small Pennsylvania town hit hard by the economic crisis. Chief of Police Del Harris finds himself investigating a murder, and things get personal fast. The prime suspect is the son of Grace, the woman Del cares for. Stuck between his love for Grace and his duty to the law, Del chases the truth through a web of lies. The deeper he looks, the darker the townâs secrets become, which threaten to tear apart the community.
The series features Jeff Daniels as Chief Del Harris, a man caught between love and duty. Maura Tierney plays Grace Poe while Alex Neustaedter portrays Billy Poe, her son.
Watch American Rust Season 1 streaming via Amazon Prime Video
American Rust Season 1 is available to watch on Amazon Prime Video.
It is a leading streaming platform that provides access to award-winning films, binge-worthy shows, and informative documentaries, including original content. A subscription to Prime Video is also free with an Amazon Prime membership.
You can watch via Amazon Prime Video by following these steps:
- Go to Amazon Prime Video
- Select âSign inâ and âCreate your Amazon accountâ
- Sign up for a Prime Video membership:
- $8.99 per month for a standalone Prime Video membership
Amazon Prime is the online retailerâs paid service that provides fast shipping and exclusive sales on products, so the membership that includes both this service and Prime Video is the companyâs most popular offering. However, you can also opt to subscribe to Prime Video separately.
The showâs synopsis is as follows:
âA compelling family drama and a timeless story told through the eyes of the complicated and compromised chief of police Del Harris of a Pennsylvania Rust Belt town full of good people making bad choices.â
NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.